
Thursday, June 13, 2013

I'll Get It Together, I Promise

I am traveling to San Francisco tomorrow for a big Endocrinology conference. I always factor extra time into my schedule for the security line, mainly because my pump and CGM require me to get a pat-down in lieu of the body scanner.

I think of this commercial every time I go through security and it makes me snortle just like the Pillsbury doughboy:


  1. Good luck getting through TSA on your way to the Endocrine Society meeting, Shara. Will be interested to hear how it goes... actually, that's something I might be interested in chatting more about. Will drop a line via Twitter and email...

  2. You seem to have put on weight. Do you attribute this to the pump and better glycemic control ?

    1. It's probably from all of those baking conventions I've been attending.

  3. This whole line of thinking is what causes diabulimia, and now there is a trend of people abusing synthroid and intentionally making themselves hypothyroid

  4. You talk about having poor control during your undergrad career in college. But I find people are always vague on this subject when a1c quantifies this. Anyways, how poor of control are we talking about here. you have got me all curious

  5. I think the picture that is used on the other blog is somewhat triggering
    Just my two cents

    can someone convert to coptic?

  6. Abusing synthroid would make you hyperthyroid. Who are you, anyway? If you're going make comments about pictures, have the decency to not hide behind the Internet.

  7. I did mean hypothyroid. I knew a girl who was 17 at the time and she did this she was hospitalized for thyrotoxicosis and also was in mild DKA at the time bc she had diabulimia. So she was admitted to ICU. She went on propranolol to stop the tachycardia etc.

    Well they tried to figure out what was causing it and they came up empty handed. They did lots of tests. Ultimately, she wound up having a thyroidectomy and they called it idiopathic hyperthyroid.

    I think she said she did not want the operation, but because of her age they did it. Now she has a scar on her neck. And her hypothyroid is seemingly a big problem. She has a lot of unpleasant symptom that she attributes to the hypothyroid, and she is constantly looking for answers like meds other than the synthroid like porcine source etc. I don’t know if all the symptoms can be attributed to her guilt over the issue.

    Maybe bc she has a hx of an ED she makes a really big deal about the scar

    I think she said she did not want the operation, but because of her age they did it. Now she has a scar on her neck. And her hypothyroid is seemingly a big problem. She has a lot of unpleasant symptom that she attributes to the hypothyroid, and she is constantly looking for answers like meds other than the synthroid like porcine source etc. I don’t know if all the symptoms can be attributed to her guilt over the issue.
    Maybe bc she has a hx of an ED she makes a really big deal about the scar

    anyways I did mean hypothyroid. just did not want to write a novel. at first hyper , but in the end hypo

  8. How is diabud in medical school if she thinks spilling large urine ketones means you are in DKA? I was under the impression that DKA meant abnormal venous or arterial PH, abnormal HCO3-, and I am pretty sure also abnormal pCO2 (because of the compensation)

    You have to be intelligent to get into medical school in Canada. Like you would just know that off the top of your head probably from your high school sciences

    Also, if a nurse was present I am pretty sure she would send the girl to the hospital if she suspected DKA.

    I think you really need to set her straight on this issue

    Anyways, I am only in grade 11 so I could be wrong

    1. You are wrong. We treat mild DKA episodes at home all the time. If the patient cannot tolerate PO intake, we send them to the hospital. Do we measure pH and bicarb? No. We only go off of urinary ketones.
      I'm done with this convo thread. Take your attitude elsewhere.

  9. No wonder doctors in the US have to carry huge malpractice premiums

    doughboy sets a terrible example
